The Ultimate Guide to Using Social Media for Business Growth

If there’s one tool businesses should leverage today, it’s social media. Gone are the days when you need to print flyers or buy space in a magazine or newspaper to promote your business. You can establish yourself on social media to reach millions of customers worldwide and lead in your industry.

The numbers don’t lie; several studies have shown that 90% of social media users follow at least one brand online. Meanwhile, 76% of customers said they’ve purchased something they saw on social media—11% bought immediately, 44% deferred online purchases for later, and 21% opted to buy in-store.

If you want to grow your business exponentially, it’s time to build your social media presence. In this blog, we’ll discuss the power of social media marketing and how to harness it to succeed in today’s digital world.


Why a social media marketing strategy is crucial to business growth

You may think that social media marketing is only for businesses that cater to a young demographic. In reality, it can do so much for businesses in any industry.

For instance, many schools use social media to disseminate information and engage with inquiries from parents and students. Lawyers have also found their way in the digital space; In fact, 71% of them gain clients from social media despite 43% of firms not having a marketing budget.

A social media marketing strategy allows you to reach and engage with your target audience on a massive scale. It enhances brand visibility, fosters customer trust, and drives website traffic, ultimately leading to increased sales and revenue. Moreover, a well-crafted strategy allows you to monitor and adapt to market trends and customer preferences, ensuring you remain relevant and competitive in today’s digital landscape.


How to choose the right social media platforms

Crafting a social media marketing strategy is not as easy as making an account and posting frequently. First, you need to post on the right platforms. Here are some considerations you must take note of.

1. Define your goals
First and foremost, ask yourself what you want to achieve through social media. Your goals will shape your social media strategy and help you choose platforms that align with your objectives.

If you primarily want to increase brand recognition and visibility, you might consider platforms with a broad user base like Facebook and Instagram. They can also help you increase sales because of their e-commerce features.

2. Identify your industry and core target audience
Different industries may have unique social media preferences, so tailor your platform selection to where your target audience is most active.

For instance, if you’re in the fashion industry and your audience is predominantly young adults, platforms like Instagram and TikTok may suit you more. However, if you’re in the B2B sector, you may find success on LinkedIn as it caters to professional networking and industry-specific content.

3. Conduct competitor and market analysis
Researching your competitors and industry peers can provide valuable insights into which social media platforms are effective for businesses in your field. Observe which platforms your competitors are actively using, the type of content they’re sharing, and their level of engagement with their audience.


Top 3 social media marketing tips

Once you’ve selected the right social media platforms, follow the tips below to start building your social media marketing strategy.

1. Create consistent brand identity
Maintaining a consistent brand identity across all your social media platforms is crucial for building brand recognition and trust with your audience. This includes using the same logo, colors, and messaging across all platforms.

For instance, if you handle a law firm, you should speak in a formal and authoritative tone to establish yourself as a credible business online. You may also share articles, case studies, and legal advice as your primary content.

2. Develop a content strategy
A well-defined content strategy will guide your social media efforts and ensure you’re sharing valuable and engaging content that resonates with your audience. Develop a content calendar that outlines the types of content you’ll share, the frequency of posting, and the platforms you’ll use. Consider the following elements in your content strategy:

● Content mix – Create a balance of different content formats, such as text posts, images, videos, and live streams.
● Content pillars – Identify key themes or topics that align with your brand and audience interests.
● Content timing – Schedule posts at times when your audience is most active on each platform.
● Content promotion – Utilize relevant hashtags, social media advertising, and collaborations to reach a wider audience.

3. Find and engage your audience
Social media is about building relationships and connecting with your audience. Take the time to find where your target audience is active and engage with them directly. Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in relevant conversations. Show your audience that you value their feedback and are interested in building a community around your brand.


How to harness social media marketing for small business growth

Smes Social Media

Social media marketing suits any business and purpose. Here are three examples of how it can be a powerful business tool for anyone.

1. Connect with freelancers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses
Platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook offer opportunities to expand your professional network and identify potential collaboration partners. They can also help you reach a broader audience interested in your products or services.

Additionally, by actively engaging with these communities, you can gain insights into their needs, challenges, and preferences—allowing you to tailor your offerings accordingly.

2. Use social media for the co-working industry
Co-working spaces thrive on community, flexibility, and accessibility—and social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook facilitate these aspects to promote business growth. Co-working spaces can share member stories, organize events, and showcase amenities through their social media channels.

Social media also allows them to gather feedback, address concerns, and maintain community engagement—ultimately leading to improvements and a more satisfied member base.

3. Leverage user-generated content (UGC)
UGC refers to content created and shared by your customers or audience. When customers share their experiences with your products or services on social media, it adds an authentic and unbiased perspective that builds trust and authenticity. This content can also significantly expand your brand’s exposure as customers introduce your brand to their networks.

Moreover, UGC provides a consistent source of content for your social media channels, which can be particularly valuable if you struggle to create fresh content regularly. By encouraging UGC and actively acknowledging and reposting such content, your business can harness the potential of social media to grow your brand’s presence in an engaging and authentic way.


Start Growing Your Business Today With SMM Marketing

If you’re ready to avail social media marketing services, look no further than Maxweb. We specialize in social media marketing in the Philippines, helping small to large businesses build their online presence, increase engagement, and build a strong brand image.

Contact us via our website, Facebook, or Instagram to learn how to use social media to your advantage.


Photo by cottonbro studio:
Photo by Amina Filkins: